मेरा चंचल मन यह कैसा पागल दौर है । Mere chanchal man, yah kaisee paagal doar hai.
मेरा चंचल मन यह कैसा पागल दौर है ।
जिसके ख्यालों में खोए हो उसकी मंजिल कहीं और है ।।
सूरज छूने की कोशिश में हाथ जल जाएंगे ।
टूट कर बिखर गए तो कौन तुझे संभालेंगे । ।
बिगड़ी किस्मत पर चलता अब किसका जोर है ।
जहां तक नजर जाती मचा शोर है । ।
कविता मेरी ग़ज़ल तुम्हारी ।
अभी आया नहीं कवियों का यह दौर । ।
बेदर्द जमाने में दिल की बात ना किया करो ।
कौन सुनेगा सताए तेरी बेजुबान बनके रहा करो । ।
अपनी जिंदगी बनी है थपेड़े खाने के लिए ।
एक ही ठोकर काफी है मर जाने के लिए । ।
पेड़ों से गिरे फूलों पर कौन करता गौर है ।
जब तक टूटा दिल ना किसी का चारों और मचा शोर है । ।
गम का दरिया हूं मैं इसका कोई न छोर है ।
कौन अकेला फिरता है तड़पता कौन करता कौन है । ।
मेरे चंचल मन यह कैसा पागल दौर है ।
जिसके ख्यालों में खोए हो उसकी मंजिल कहीं और है । ।
- हमारे आसपास और हमारे खास करके समाज वाले कुछ ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो कभी भी किसी का समस्या बिना सुने बिना जाने आखिर किसी के बातों को नजरअंदाज कल के अपने मन की बात उसके सामने रख देते हैं यह नहीं देखते क्या अगले इंसान के मन में उसके भावनाओं में क्या चल रही है नहीं चल रही है किस तरीके से वह खुद को हमारे सामने प्रस्तुत करता है उसके मन में लाखों तकलीफ होने के बावजूद तो इन सब चीजों को मिलाकर के यह छोटी सी गजल है समझने की जरूरत है लोगों को उनके मन को उनकी भावनाओं को कि कौन कैसे किस जगह पर खुद को प्रस्तुत करता है ऐसा नहीं कि खुश दिखने वाला इंसान हमेशा खुश होता है न जाने उसके मन में कितनी तकलीफ है दौड़ रही होती हैं और उसकी रफ्तार काफी धीमी नहीं होती है अगर आप कभी किसी से प्रेम पूर्वक दो शब्द बातें कर ले तो शायद उसकी तकलीफ कुछ देर के लिए धीमी हो जाए और उसे सहानुभूति मिले अपने जीवन में सही राहों को अपनाने के लिए बस इन्हीं सब को समेटकर ग़ज़ल के रूप में प्रस्तुत करता हूं और आगे भी करता रहूंगा धन्यवाद ।
My fickle mind, what a crazy drug this is.
मेरा चंचल मन यह कैसा पागल दवा है ।
The one whose thoughts are lost, his destination is somewhere else.
Hands will burn trying to touch the sun.
Who will take care of you if you break down? ,
Whose emphasis is it now on running on bad luck.
There is noise as far as the eye can see. ,
Poetry my ghazal yours.
This era of poets has not come yet. ,
Don't talk about your heart in heartless times.
Who will listen to your persecutors, keep being speechless. ,
Your life is made to get slapped.
One hit is enough to die. ,
Who pays attention to the flowers that have fallen from the trees?
As long as someone's heart is not broken, there is noise all around. ,
I am a river of sorrow, there is no end to it.
Who wanders alone, who is suffering, who is doing this. ,
What a crazy time this is, my fickle mind.
The one in whose thoughts you are lost, his destination is somewhere else. ,
- There are some people around us and especially in our society, who never listen to someone's problem, ignore someone's words, put their mind in front of him, do not see what is in the mind of the next person. What is going on in feelings, what is not going on, in what way he presents himself in front of us, despite having millions of problems in his mind, then this is a small ghazal by combining all these things, people need to understand their mind. Their feelings that who, how and where they present themselves, it is not that a person who looks happy is always happy, no matter how much pain is in his mind, he is running and his speed does not slow down much, if you ever meet someone If you speak two words with love, then maybe his pain will slow down for some time and he will get sympathy. To adopt the right path in life, I just include all these and present them in the form of a ghazal and will continue to do so. Thank you.
The one whose thoughts are lost, his destination is somewhere else.
Hands will burn trying to touch the sun.
Who will take care of you if you break down? ,
Whose emphasis is it now on running on bad luck.
There is noise as far as the eye can see. ,
Poetry my ghazal yours.
This era of poets has not come yet. ,
Don't talk about your heart in heartless times.
Who will listen to your persecutors, keep being speechless. ,
Your life is made to get slapped.
One hit is enough to die. ,
Who pays attention to the flowers that have fallen from the trees?
As long as someone's heart is not broken, there is noise all around. ,
I am a river of sorrow, there is no end to it.
Who wanders alone, who is suffering, who is doing this. ,
What a crazy time this is, my fickle mind.
The one in whose thoughts you are lost, his destination is somewhere else. ,